Automate Certificate Generation for Event Attendees in Word & Power Automate

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Attending conferences, workshops, or classes? As the organizer, you want to provide attendees with a nice certificate of completion. But creating unique certificates for each person can be tedious and time-consuming.

In this post, I’ll show you how to easily automate certificate generation using Word and Power Automate. No more manual work needed!

Step 1: Create a Template in Word

First, design a certificate template in Word. You can start from a pre-made template or create your own custom one.

Be sure to enable Developer options and add Content Controls to areas you want to populate with names, classes, etc. Give each content control a unique tag name.

Save the Word doc as a template in a accessible location like SharePoint.

Step 2: Build Your List in SharePoint

Next, create a SharePoint list to store attendee names and classes. The columns should match the tags you set up in the Word template.

For example:

  • Name
  • Class

Step 3: Automate with Power Automate

Now for the fun part – automation! Build a Power Automate flow that:

  • Triggers when a new item is added to your list
  • Populates the Word template using the list data
  • Converts the Word doc to PDF
  • Saves the PDF to a SharePoint document library

See the video above for a walkthrough for more details on how to set this up.

Step 4: Test It Out!

Once built, test your flow by adding items to the list. You should see personalized certificates automatically generate for each attendee!

Automating certificate creation is easy with the power of Word and Power Automate. Now you can instantly generate customized completion certificates for all your event or class attendees.

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